Rumor has it that Monstar is a notorious troll across the entire Internet. In addition to seduction forums, he trolls Scientology forums, conspiracy theory forums, religion forums, racist/supremacist forums, and a slew of other forums involving radical thoughts and ideologies.
They also say that Monstar suffers from an extreme form of antisocial personality that is so bad that he literally cannot control irritating people whether on the Internet or real life.
Monstar's real name is allegedly Benjamin and currently resides in Austin, Texas where he lives with his sister. He has no job and never leaves his apartment. Yeah he mooches off his sister.
The final rumor I've heard is that Monstar is still active on this forum with several of his accounts, but he uses a special kind of proxy that doesn't identify itself as a proxy in the request to the server. Monstar's usernames on puahate are said to be El Stud, Angelina, Solar, Honesty, Nems, chinpoko, animal, ur mom, and puapua.
Anyone else have any information on this mythical creature?
- the pickup community has fucked guys up
- you are one of them.
- you are trying to make yourself above everyone on this forum by being "a curious, impartial observer" but you are actually a faggot.
- you think you are successful with women, but you probably spend a lot of mental energy asking questions that are irrelevant to the progression of your life, like why puahate exists. ("why do people disagree with things? why do people hate things? mommy?")
- if you spent time here, maybe you wouldn't have to ask those stupid fucking questions.
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He just suffers from an extreme form of boring personality that is so bad that he literally cannot avoid boring the shit out of people whether on the Internet or real life.
One thing that puzzled me is how chinpoko has such good english, english not being his mother tongue and he is not living/didn't live in an english speaking region.
If he is monstar, I have to say it's monstar's best stunt to date.
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My Monstar radar does not ping with Chinpoko, but I can verify that El Stud and Angelina are, without a shadow of a doubt, Monstar.
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This and the way he keeps whining about not getting laid but not accepting the most common sense advice other posters give him.
And again, was Aries Monstar?
Yes. Monstar does certain things (which I won't disclose in case he's reading this), which Aries did as well. You'll also notice that Monstar's most active accounts in the past all got banned (Aries, Anonymous, and Hades). Monstar has since taken what he does a notch down so that he doesn't get noticed, but he's still very much active on this forum.
nobody knows the ip's except admins
he wrote he was chinpoko, and chinpoko 'himself' did not confront him (as far as i noticed)
i will also be amazed if he was aries. all the other ones (angelina, timmyboy etc) are easier to guess
i'm pretty sure he runs elaborate trolling schemes in other forums (actually he said so), my bet would also be rsdn, unnoticed by admins, maybe even worshiped by fanboys..
we have to admit he's much more skilled than we initially assumed
i guess skyrocketing my skills of monstar detection will take much more work than i initially thought!
My real name is Benji but i go by benjamin or sergio. In middle school they used to make fun of me because their was a movie about a dog who saved kids with that name.
I live in Marble falls, TX its near Austin, TX, but i was born in Puerto rico.
I do live with my sister, while i go to school and do my internship at NASA online. Im unemployed but im only 19.
PSN id: SergeiEpic (caps sensitive)
Sosuave: I was El Stud and used to post as xato14 at msaf before it got deleted
Im -oasis- and a "famous" guy at RSDN.
i am not anymous, angelina, or chipoko or the new guys.